My Mailing List is a form for you to subscribe (for free!) to receive updates about my new releases, as and when they are released.
I work exclusively on fiction currently and span a number of genres from crime and spec. fic. to romance and literary.
Subscribers receive first notification of any new pieces to be published by me or featuring me (for instance novels, novellas, short stories and anthologies). That means they are notified before my website is updated, or facebook, before twitter and before wordpress or writing groups or any other social media site I am a part of.
Mailing list members will only receive notifications about new publications by me and not any other subject from any other writer. I don't want to clutter your inboxes as I know how quickly they fill up!
I hope to add more value to the list in future by adding free stories to those who sign up or giveaways once a month. For now though, I'm starting small.
Any questions, ask away in the comments below or by using my contact page.