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The Russian Sleep Experiment: Live from Siberia (or Amazon)

Holly Ice

Book Trailer:

The Russian Sleep Experiment Cover by Holly Ice

Those of you that have been keeping up to date with these posts know this has been a while coming, but the day is finally here. The Russian Sleep Experiment is live on Amazon in ebook and paperback formats.

Links below:

Paperback UK (£3.99)

There is of course the option to look inside before you take the plunge of buying this psychological horror novella, and for the curious here's the blurb and an extract from Part I...


Four political prisoners living in a 1940s Siberian POW camp volunteer to be Subjects in a Soviet Military experiment. They are promised freedom in exchange for completing the exercise. In return they must endure 30 days without sleep, fuelled by Gas 76-IA. One researcher, Luka, stands alone in believing the experiment needs to be stopped before irreversible damage is done but is he too late? The Subjects no longer want the Gas switched off.


A hand gripped my shoulder. I jumped, and turned to see Jecis. His hair was a mess and his wiry beard was tangled. he looked as wild as I felt.

‘All good?’ he asked. He dropped his hand and looked into the mirror with me.

‘They’ll be watching us,’ I said.

It bothered me, more than I had thought it would. As much as they had wanted us here to test their drug, I knew they’d also be guessing the details of the resistance movement, wondering how far my brother was involved. They were good at getting secrets out of people, torturing them for information. Had I really been right to risk my secrets for my freedom? I could only hope lack of sleep would not make my mouth run.

Jecis shrugged and swayed on his feet. ‘We’ll get used to it. Few weeks and we’ll forget they’re there.’

I snorted, crossed my arms, and turned back to the mirror. That was what I was worried about. I could not afford to get complacent. They never would.


I'd love to know what you think of the book so if you have the time I would really appreciate a short review. It doesn't have to be long - a sentence is more than enough. Any feedback I get will really help to get my book seen.

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